Alba Community Updates

February 1, 2023

Please note the following estimated dates for upcoming construction activities over the next several months:

Estimated Completion of Shoring Activities: Early June, 2023

Estimated Crane Erection: Early May, 2023

Estimated Commencement of Forming Work: Early May, 2023


Thank you,
The Edenshaw Team


Where will the construction site access point be located?

One primary access point on the private laneway and two primary access points on Fairview Rd E.

What will the traffic impacts be on the surrounding area for pedestrians and vehicles during construction?

Vehicular traffic: 

  • Will be controlled by Traffic Control Person as required on Fairview and the Private laneway to accommodate vehicle staging.
  • Fairview may be reduced to one bi-directional lane to accommodate extended hoarding. All required signage will be installed as per OTM Book 7, Temporary Roads.

Pedestrian traffic:

  • North-side sidewalk on Fairview will be closed for the duration of construction.
  • Sidewalk on the west side of the Private Lane will be closed for the duration of construction.
  • Crosswalk will be available at the intersection of Fairview Road and Mississauga Valley Blvd to cross to the South-side of Fairview Road East (to the plaza).
  • Sidewalk along Hurontario to remain open.

What are the construction operating hours?

7am – 5pm Monday to Friday

8am – 5pm Saturday

What is the City of Mississauga construction noise bylaw?

7am – 7pm Monday to Saturday (Sundays and Statutory holidays exempted); unless specified otherwise.

City of Mississauga link:

What hours of the day will construction noise predominantly occur?

Predominantly between 7am – 5pm

Will there be any service disruptions (hydro, water, etc.)?

There will be no planned service disruptions. Should there be a need for service disruptions, it will be communicated ahead of time.

What construction activities will produce the most dust?

  • Drilling and excavation will produce the most dust.
  • Dust levels will occur, however, at a lesser degree during the construction of the structure.

What means and methods will be used to maintain street cleanliness?

  • Road water flushing and street sweeping during drilling and excavation activities, as needed.
  • Street sweeping as needed thereafter.

Who do I email in the event of a construction-related inquiry?

Edenshaw email:

How will vibration due to construction be mitigated?

Vibration monitors will be used during drilling activities to remain within technical limitations set forth by the City of Mississauga.

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