July 29, 2021 | Real Estate News EXchange

Edenshaw launches new tower in booming Mississauga

Edenshaw Developments has launched sales for its new Mississauga condominium, Alba, near the city’s booming downtown centre.

There continues to be plenty of condo and multifamily growth in central Mississauga, which is located just west of the City of Toronto.

Edenshaw sales manager Carmen Gerasolo told RENX the firm isn’t concerned about the competition, believing Mississauga’s ongoing growth will enable absorption.

“We think demand will stay constant. There’s a strong employment base in the City of Mississauga,” Gerasolo said. “More people are travelling into Mississauga for work than there are people from Mississauga leaving the city for work. I think we have a less transient employment base.

“People that live here work here primarily.”

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